"EELISA European University" of which ITU is a Partner is Established:
European Engineering Learning Innovation & Science Alliance (EELISA)’s European University proposal is supported by EU Commission. EELISA, of which Istanbul Technical University is a partner aims to reinforce the values of the European Union and aims to be a guide for other higher education institutions in the fields of European higher education and R&D by achieving the goal of establishing a European University. European University of EELISA aims to align the strategies of partner universities with sustainable development goals. The project will have a total budget of 7 million Euros, 5 million Euros from the Erasmus + Program and 2 million Euros from the Horizon 2020 Program. With this fund provided by both programs, it will play an important role in strengthening the interactions between the European Education Area and the European Research Area at Istanbul Technical University.
For addition information: eelisa.eu