May 2020
START Project is Supported

Horizon 2020 START Project in which ITU Aeronautical Engineering Department is a Partner is Supported:

A SESAR H2020 Project titled “START – a Stable and resilienT ATM by integrAting Robust airline operations into the neTwork” plans to address uncertainties at all levels of the air traffic network from a single flight route level to the entire continental airspace level.

In the project, under the coordination of Madrid (Carlos III) University,  ITU, Catalunya Technical University, ENAC, DLR and FlightKeys are involved as partner institutions. The ITU team, led by Assist.Prof.Dr.Emre Koyuncu, will develop control, optimization and artificial intelligence algorithms especially for the development of flight performance models, calculation of flight routes, large-scale air traffic network modeling and ensuring the stability of this European Air Traffic Network. A paradigm transformation is taking place in the management of airspaces, based on operations based on high-precision calculations called Trajectory Based Operations (TBO), rather than over familiar points.Minimizing the uncertainties in this form of operation will be possible with the increase in the size and frequency of information shared between systems, and the inclusion of high-level automation modules in the system on both the aircraft and the controller side due to the increase in workload. The "START" Project aims to produce artificial intelligence algorithms that will ensure that the air traffic management system, which is a large-scale network with intense data sharing and where many automation systems will work together. The project started in May and it has a duration of 30 months. 2020. The total budget of the project is 2 million Euro.