ITU Graduate School of Science, Engineering and Technology’s Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 2 Strategic Partnerships in School Education is Accepted:
ITU Graduate School of Science, Engineering and Technology’s project titled “Immigrants' Digital Education Application of Languages (IDEAL)” and '' 2019-1-TR01-KA201-077218” numbered project is funded by EU Erasmus+ Programme.
Description of the Project:
“Immigrants 'Digital Education Application of Languages' (IDEAL) is an innovative project that is planned to take 28 months to develop mobile applications in order to increase the language proficiency of immigrant children in order to adapt them to their new country of residence more easily. The project is coordinated by Kadıköy District National Education Directorate. Within the scope of KA201 2019 Strategic Partnerships for School Education, the project was among the 8 projects supported among 284 project applications, and the project was awarded 172 thousand Euros.
In recent years, a considerable increase has been observed in the immigrant population of Europe due to reasons such as civil wars and economic crises. Countries like Turkey, Spain and Greece that are on migration routes the population of refugees in these countries is in the millions. In Norway, on the other hand, the proportion of young people between the ages of 13-17 who continue their education in Norway due to immigration in recent years corresponds to 10% of the country's total population.
Especially for young people in the education generation, language is an important barrier for their academic and social success. But in the project partner countries there is not any language teaching tools that is free and open access to meet the needs of young people in this age range. Although there are various mobile applications, this software either contain advertisements or charge a fee after reaching a certain level. Although these tools are practical individually, they are not suitable for classroom use.
The aims of IDEAL Project are:
-To enable 100 young people between the ages of 13-17, who are refugees, asylum seekers or immigrants, to learn the mother tongue of the country they reside by using interactive language tools. In accordance with this purpose
-It is aimed to develop interactive language teaching material that will provide an A1 level language teaching in Spanish, Greek, Norwegian and Turkish.
Project Partners:
Kadıköy District National Education Directorate, Coordinator, Turkey
Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Instutute of Social Sciences and Humanities, Greece
Institut Manuel VázquezMontalbán, Spain
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway