Oct 2019
ITU Maritime Faculty’s Erasmus+ Programme Strategic Partnerships in Vocational Education Project 2019

ITU Maritime Faculty’s Erasmus+ Programme Strategic Partnerships in Vocational Education Project is Accepted: 

ITU Maritime Faculty’s project titled “Maritime Health Trainings for Seafarers and Doctors (MariHEALTH ) ” and “2019-1-TR01-KA202-076813” numbered is funded by EU Erasmus+ Programme:

Description of the Project: 

“Maritime Health Trainings for Seafarers and Doctors (MariHEALTH)” is an innovative project   planned to last 24 months for health education practices in the maritime industry. The project is coordinated by ITU’s Maritime Faculty.

Within the scope of KA202 2019 Strategic Partnerships in Vocational Education the project was among the 35 projects supported among 233 project applications and was awarded a grant of 211 thousand Euros.

In case of accidents and illnesses that may arise due to the high risk of the ship's working environment, seafarers cannot make the appropriate response due to lack of knowledge and insufficient training. At the same time, when seafarers encounter serious health problems, they cannot receive sufficient support when they request assistance from shore health stations, due to the fact that the health teams do not know the ship's working environment. This situation causes serious problems in the ships. With this project, seafarers at different levels will be provided with online medical training to intervene in health problems they may encounter on board. Practical solutions will be produced by giving information about the working conditions of seafarers and diseases to the doctors working at the coast health stations. Awareness of seafarers and doctors working at coastal health stations about health practices on ships will be increased. In this context, online training modules will be prepared for seafarers / doctors at different levels and a mobile application will be created that seafarers can access in case of emergency.

Project Partners: 

1.         University of Strathclyde,UK

2.         Orca Informatics, Turkey

3.        Turkey General Directorate of Border and Coast Health , Turkey

4.         Constanta Maritime University, Romania

5.         A.P.&A Limited, Poland

6.        Chamber of Marine Machinery Management Engineers , Türkiye

   ITU Project Team:

    Project Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr.  Emre Akyüz

    Prof. Dr. Oğuz Salim Söğüt

   Prof. Dr. Özcan Arslan

   Asst. Prof. Dr. Elif Bal Beşikçi

   Res. Asst. Esma Uflaz