The Project Titled “The Boundary Spanners Development Program” Which Included ITU's Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ITU GINOVA) as a Project Partner, was Accepted by Erasmus + Knowledge Alliances Programme:
Project Description: “The Boundary Spanners Development Program” is a project aimed at eliminating barriers to integration between universities and regional, national and international business stakeholders by enabling higher education personnel to develop their competence and skills related to the boundary spanning role. The project is being carried out under the Coordination of the Netherlands-based University Industry Innovation Network (UIIN).
The project, which will last a total of 36 months, will be conducted by the research team of ITU GINOVA Professor Dr. Şebnem BURNAZ, Lecturer Dr. Zeynep ERDEN BAYAZIT and Lecturer Dr. Alper Yurttaş.
The project was awarded a grant of 773,838 Euro, being one of 33 projects supported through challenging and comprehensive evaluation processes among 195 applicants within the framework of the Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliance's call for cooperation for the exchange of innovation and good practice in 2019.
Objective of the project: to strengthen universities in accordance with the aim of increasing the contribution of higher education institutions in regional, economic and social development. The project will be inspired by the “University-Business Cooperation ecosystem” model created as a result of years of research with the support of the European Commission.
Project Partners:
1. University Industry Innovation Network BV (Project Coordinator)
2. Institut Mines Telecom Business School
3. Fachhochschule Munster
4. Universidad de Malaga
5. İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
6. Association Europeenne d’Institutions de L’enseignement superi
7. Crazy Town Oy
8. Momentum Marketing Services Limited
9. Meath County Council
10. Camara de Comercio E Industria Italiana Para Espana