Feb 2019
The “FineFuture" Project was Supported By The Horizon 2020 Programme

Istanbul Technical University is a partner and Professor Dr. Mehmet Sabri Çelik from the Department of Mineral Processing Engineering is the coordinator of the project entitled “Innovative technologies and concepts for fine particle flotation: Future Unlocking fine-grained mineral resources, and critical raw materials for the EU (FineFuture)”. This project is supported by The European Union's Horizon 2020 Program, “SC5-09-2018-2019: new solutions for sustainable production of raw materials”

The project, which will start in June 2019, has a duration of 36 months. The total budget of the project is 6,249,249 Euro and the budget of Istanbul Technical University (ITU) is 253,750 Euro. The project partnership includes 8 academic and 8 industrial partners from 12 countries.

ITU project team; Prof. Dr. Mehmet Sabri Celik, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fırat Karakaş, Dr.  Onur Güven 

Flotation is an important separation process for enriching fine-sized grains. Efficient acquisition of grains finer than 20 microns in flotation is not possible with existing processes. A solution for selective separation of fine-sized grains will be developed through pilot-scale equipment development and modeling studies to be carried out within the scope of this project.