Feb 2019
Erasmus + Project of ITU’s Dr. Erol Üçer Center of Advanced Studies in Music

Project numbered “2018-1-FR02-KA205-014345” and entitled “La Méthode Medinea”, which will be conducted by the coordinator of the Aix-en-Provence Festival, with the participation of the Dr. Erol Üçer Center for Advanced Studies in Music, is eligible to be supported by Strategic Partnerships Projects in the Erasmus+ Programme. 

Project Introduction:

la Méthode Medinea Project coordinated by the Aix-en-Provence Festival and Academy consists of cultural/artistic sector organizations such as higher education institutions, cultural centers and festivals located in European and Mediterranean countries and dedicated to international change and cooperation. In this project, it aims to interact with young musicians in countries located in the Mediterranean basin, to guide their careers, to support new music projects they have created and to create the necessary educational opportunities in this direction.

The Medinea Project, which will be implemented within the scope of Erasmus+ Programme involve Dr. Erol Üçer Center for Advanced Studies in Music with the institutions called Festival d'aix-en-Provence (France), Escola Superior de Musica de Lisboa (Portugal), Ente Musicale di Nuoro (Italy) and ARC Research & Consultancy (Malta)

A total of seven intercultural meetings on musical creativity will be held in five cities in the Mediterranean basin (Aix-en-Provence, Istanbul, Nuoro, Valletta and Lisbon) by the grant provided by July 2021. Thus, as part of the Medinea project, many young musicians from Mediterranean countries will find the opportunity to communicate with each other thanks to the Erasmus+ grant. The first of these meetings, which will be held under the name ICS (Intercultural Sessions), will take place in ITU/MIAM in April 2019.

In addition to intercultural meetings, an electronic learning program (e-learning) related to collective and intercultural composing will be available free of charge within this project; the program will also provide career planning services. In this way, a large number of young musicians will be given access to the creative experiences that arise in intercultural meetings.

Project Partners

1. Festival d’Aix-en-Provence, France (Project Coordinator)
2. ITU Dr. Erol Üçer Center for Advanced Studies in Music, Turkey
3. Escola Superior de Musica de Lisboa, Portugal
4. Ente Musicale di Nuoro, Italy
5. ARC Research & Consultancy, Malta

Project coordinator of ITU: Assoc.Prof.Dr.Yelda Özgen Öztürk
Project Team of ITU
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Yelda Özgen Öztürk
Assoc.Prof.Dr.E. Şirin Özgün Tanır
Res. Asst.  Ahmet Ozan Baysal