Sep 2018
Maritime Education for Energy Efficiency Project was Accepted by Erasmus + Programme

ITU Maritime Faculty Project” Maritime Education for Energy Efficiency (MarEd) Numbered 2018-1-TR01-KA202-058717 "was Accepted by Erasmus+ Programme.

Description of the Project: 

MarEd “Maritime Education for Energy Efficiency” is an innovative project that is planned to last 24 months with training applications for energy efficiency in the maritime sector. It is carried out under the coordination of Istanbul Technical University Maritime Faculty.

It is one of 13 projects supported within the call for proposals for 2018 Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships (KA202) and is eligible for a grant of 162.000 Euro.

Although there are various methods to improve energy efficiency on ships, insufficient training of personnel and lack of experience are the biggest obstacles to the widespread and effective application of these methods. The main goal of the project is to ensure that the ships (ship captain, chief engineer, zabitler et al.) and marine Enterprises (Energy Managers, inspectors, fleet managers, et al.) aims to provide distance learning and evaluation module for developing the knowledge and skills of the personnel involved in energy efficiency policies and MARPOL Annex VI applications. Thus, sectoral awareness of energy efficiency will be increased.

Along with this project, gaps in applications related to energy efficiency in the maritime industry will be identified, and the curriculum that will be used in the training module will be created in this direction.

Project Partners:

1.         University of Strathclyde,United Kingdom

2.         Calmac Ferries LTD, United Kingdom

3.         Türk Loydu, Turkey

4.         Orka Informatics, Turkey

5.         A.P.&A Limited, Greece

Project coordinator of ITU: Dr. Elif Bal Beşikçi

Project Team of ITU:

Assoc.Prof.Dr.Özcan Arslan

Res. Asst.  Esma Uflaz

Betül Pehlivan Eşsiz