Sep 2018
Prace Sixth Implementation Phase Project

The “Prace Sixth Implementation Phase Project (PRACE 6IP) " Project was Supported by Horizon 2020 Programme:

Istanbul Technical University as a partner and Informatics Institute faculty member Professor Ertuğrul Karaçuha as a coordinator of the project “PRACE 6th Implementation Phase Project (PRACE-6IP)” was supported within the scope of the European Union Horizon 2020 Scientific Excellence Research Infrastructures.

PRACE is a non-profit and international platform that provides world-scale computational resource services to European researchers. The main aim of practice, which ITU-UHEM is also a representative of on behalf of Turkey, is to support the scientific competitive environment in Europe, to increase the number of scientific outputs and inventions, and to move Europe forward in science and technology.

5 countries are home to PRACE with 25 members. These countries are Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Switzerland, which provide scientists with computational resources through advanced systems called Tier-0. About 17 billion core hours of computational resources have been provided to researchers so far. PRACE, which continues its work with infrastructure projects, will carry out its new project within the scope of PRACE 6IP as follows:

- Carry out studies supporting conversion from PRACE 1.0 to PRACE 2.0,

- Providing computational resource services, as well as expanding and maintaining educational activities,

- Develop collaborations on the international platform,

- Providing technical support to researchers using systems with parallel and different architectures on a very large scale in practice.

The total budget of the PRACE-6IP project, supported by the European Commission, is 24 million Euro. The total duration of the project is 32 months.