"Advanced integrative solutions to corrosion problems beyond the micro scale: towards long - term durability of miniature biomedical, electronic and energy systems - - mcBEEs" Project Supported by Horizon 2020 Programme:
Professor Mustafa Ürgen from Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department takes part as a ITU’s coordinator in the project entitled "Advanced Integrative Solutions to Corrosion Problems Beyond Micro–scale: Towards Long-term Durability of Miniaturized Biomedical, Electronic and Energy Systems - mcBEES". The project is supported under the Marie Skłodowska -Curie Innovative Training Networks, H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017. The project coordinator is Udine University from Italy.
Miniaturization has come to the fore, especially in biomedical, electronic and energy systems, with the developing technology. Corrosion characteristics expected from miniaturized structures differ significantly compared to mass materials. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a different approach to corrosion problems that may occur in miniature systems.
It is expected that the project goals will be achieved with doctoral theses and intensive training programs that will be supported within the scope of this project, which will last for 4 years. The project includes 10 reputable European universities, 4 small-scale companies and 4 research centers. The total budget of the project is 3,276,400 Euro and the share of ITU is 235,557 Euro.