Hibe Programının Adı | Projenin Adı | Faydalanıcısı | Bütçesi (Euro) | |
7. ÇP | New design principles fostering safety agility and resilience for ATM ( Resilience2050.eu) | Prof. Dr. Gökhan İnalhan | 205.102 | |
7. ÇP | New Directions in Seismic Hazard assessment through Focused Earth Observation in the Marmara Supersite | Prof. Dr. Naci Görür | 230.000 | |
7. ÇP | Renovation of Residential urban spaces: Towards nearly zero energy CITIES (R2CITIES) | Doç. Dr. Hatice Sözer | 391.200 | |
7. ÇP | Boosting Collobaration Between Research Centres and Industry To Enchance Rapid Industrial Uptake Of Innovative Functional Textile Structures and Textile Related Materials In a Mondial Market | Prof. Dr. Fatma Kaloğlu | 40.200 | |
7. ÇP | FESTA | Prof. Dr. Gülsün Sağlamer | 543.779 | |
7. ÇP | Innovative Multi-purpose off-shore Platforms: Planning, Design and Operation | Prof. Dr. Sedat Kapdaşlı | 152.451 | |
7. ÇP | Mediterranean Air QUality In Future Climate Scenarios | Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Luca Pozolli | 100 000 | |
7. ÇP | Towards an Intermodal Transport Network through Innovative Research-driven Clusters in Regions of Organised and Competitive Knowledge | Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Münip Baş | 84.360 | |
7. ÇP | Training and Collaboration on Material Developments and Process Improvements in Oil and Sugar Production | Prof. Dr. Mustafa Ürgen | 32.000 | |
7. ÇP | PRACE - Second Implementation Phase Project | Prof. Dr. Ertuğrul Karaçuha | 308.069 | |
7. ÇP | Strengthening and development of Earth Observation activities for the environment in the Balkan area | Prof. Dr. Orhan Altan | 59.355 | |
7.ÇP | Data Repositories and Computational Infrastructure for Environmental and Climate Studies in the Eestern Mediterranean | Pof. Dr. Nüzhet Dalfes | 700.00 | |
7. ÇP | IMNOXE:Improvement of NOx Emissions Through Satellite NO2 retrievals and Ground Observations | Doç.Dr. Burçak Kaynak | 100.000 | |
7. ÇP | Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure | Doç. Dr. Gülşen Eryiğit | 0 | |
7. ÇP | Seismic Engineering Research Infrastructures for European Synergies | Prof. Dr. Alper İlki | 178.500 | |
7. ÇP | Euro-Mediterranean Research Cooperation on Gender and Science: SHE Euro-Mediterranean Research Area | Prof. Dr. Gülsün Sağlamer | 62.680 | |
7. ÇP | Support to Ninth European Conference on Turbomachinery – Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics,
Istanbul, Turkey, 21-25 March 2011 | Prof. Dr. Mete Şen | 15.000 | |
7.ÇP | European Researcher's Night in Turkey-3 | Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Murat Çakan | 13.500 | |
7. ÇP | Advances in Horizontal Merger Policy and Selected Public Policy Topics | Prof. Dr. Sencer Ecer | 100.000 | |
7. ÇP | New Sources of Natural, Gastric Stable, Food Additives, Colourants and Novel Functional Foods | Prof. Dr. Beraat Özçelik | 400.000 | |
7. ÇP | AnThocyanin and polyphenol bioactives for Health Enhancement through Nutritional Advancement | Prof. Dr. Dilek Boyacıoğlu | 240.211 | |
7. ÇP | A 16-Bit, 2 G sample/s DAC with 85 dB SFDR at 400MHz Output Frequency | Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Türker Kuyel | 100.000 | |
7. ÇP | PRACE - First Implementation Phase Project | Prof. Dr. Serdar Çelebi | 115.884 |
7. ÇP | European Multidiscplinary Seafloor Observation | Prof. Dr. Namık Çağatay | 126.800 |
7. ÇP | Research on location estimation in multi-carrier systems | Doç. Dr. Güneş Karabulut Kurt | 31.006 |
7. ÇP | In Situ Monitoring of oxygen Depletion in Hypoxic Ecosystemes of Coastal and Open Seas, and Land-Locked Water Bodies | Prof. Dr. Namık Çağatay | 126.800 |
7. ÇP | Martime Assisted Volumetric Navigation System | Prof. Dr. Mustafa İnsel | 107.392 |
7. ÇP | Targeted Advanced Research for Global Efficiency of Transportation Shipping | Prof. Dr. Mustafa İnsel | 133.419 |
7. ÇP | TEchnologies and scenarios For Low Emissions Shipping | Prof. Dr. Mustafa İnsel | 69.600 |
7. ÇP | Performance of Innovative mechanical Connections in Precast Buildings Structures Under Seismic Conditions | Prof. Dr. H. Faruk Karadoğan | 321.440 |
7. ÇP | Building Capacity for a Catchement Observation and Assessment System Supporting Sustainable Development | Prof. Dr. Seval Sözen | 323.040 |
7. ÇP | Multi Modal Face Processing | Doç.Dr. Hazım Kemal Ekenel | 100.000 |
7. ÇP | Human-Computer Interaction and Computer Vision for Improving Healthy Living of Elderly through Exer-gaming | Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Hülya Yalçın | 100.000 |
7. ÇP | Virtualized programmable InTerfAces for innovative cost-effective IoT depLoyments in smart cities | Prof.Dr. Sema Oktuğ | 189.620 |
7. ÇP | Safety Enhancements in transport by Achieving Human Orientated Resilient Shipping Environment | Doç.Dr.Özcan Arslan | 40.000 |
7. ÇP | RepliCable and InnovaTive Future Efficient Districts and cities | Doç.Dr. Hatice Sözer | 513.920 |
7. ÇP | SEiSMiC, Societal Engagement in Science, Mutual learning in Cities” | Prof.Dr. Tüzin Baycan | 173.794 |
7. ÇP | Anatolian pLateau climatE and Tectonic hazards | Doç.Dr. Cengiz Yıldırım | 238.000 |
7. ÇP | Social Innovation: Driving Force of Social Change | Prof.Dr. Sencer Ecer | 97.000 |
7. ÇP | Non-intrusive Optical Pressure and Loads Extraction for Aerodynamic Analysis | Prof.Dr. Okşan Çetiner | 130.400 |
7.ÇP | Enabling Grids for E-sciencE III | Doç.Dr. Turgay ALTILAR | 0 |
7.ÇP | PRACE - Third Implementation Phase Project | Prof. Dr. Ertuğrul Karaçuha | 227.333 |
7.ÇP | Infrastructure for Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems | Prof.Dr.Nüzhet Dalfes | 119.523 |
7.ÇP | POst-CArbon CIties of TOmorrow – foresight for sustainable pathways towards liveable, affordable and prospering cities in a world context | Prof.Dr.Tüzin Baycan | 94.980 |
7.ÇP | Dynamic Response and Instability of Seabed-Coastal Structure Systems and Waves | Doç.Dr.Can Ülker | 100.000 |
7.ÇP | GLobal cOntemporary art market: the intrinsiC and sociologicAL components of FINancial and artistic valuE of ARTtworks | Prof.Dr.Tüzin Baycan | 190.165 |